Wednesday 19 February 2014

Chua Xue Yi, Chelsea I&E

Name:Chua Xue Yi, Chelsea
Class: S1-05

Brainstorming Activity 1

Generate as many ideas as you can for the use of rubber bands (at least 30). Number each of your idea.

1.  Ammo
2. Instrument
3. Weapon
4. Accessory
5. Rope
6. Trap
7. Figurine
8. Hoop
9. Tie things
10. Food
11. Trick
12. Rain

Paired Comparison Analysis Activity 1

Pick the top 4 ideas based on the criterion of innovativeness (different, most original, unique, feasible)

A. Accessory
B. Trap
C. Rain
D. Rope

A vs B >  Winner 1 = Trap C vs D > Winner 2 = Rain Winner 1 vs Winner 2 = Trap

Where do your top 4 ideas come from? Are they ideas from the beginning, middle or end, or all over?
They are from the middle.
What gives you those ideas?

Ancient temples, games, tricks involving rubber bands and archery.

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